Token (word, separator etc.)
Property | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | string | ID of the token used to refer to it from other objects |
off | True | integer | The offset in token's parent paragraph |
text | True | string | The token's text |
origOff | False | integer | The token's offset in the original paragraph (omitted when identical to "off") |
origText | False | string | The token's text in the original paragraph (omitted when identical to "text") |
lemma | False | string | Lemma, the canonical or dictionary form of the word |
pos | False | string | Universal POS |
parId | False | string | ID of the syntactic parent token; missing for the root token |
fnc | False | string | Grammatical function of this token according to UD (nsubj, obj, ...) |
feats | False | Map[string, string] | Universal and custom features |