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API Reference

See swagger Swagger documentation for more technical info.


The Media API V2 offers several endpoints:

NLPSemantic analysis of articles
/v2/nlp/analyzeSemantic analysis of an article returning tags, entities, sentiment, etc.
/v2/nlp/analyze/feedbackFeedback on a particular analysis
KnowledgebaseEndpoints returning real-world information about tags and entities
/v2/knowledgebase/detailsInformation about tags and entities
/v2/knowledgebase/infoboxesInformation about tags and entities optimized for UI display
/v2/knowledgebase/redirectsReplacements for deprecated knowledge base entities
/v2/knowledgebase/searchSearching knowledge base for entities
/v2/knowledgebase/stdformsStandard forms of tags and entities in a particular language
Editorial TagsConfiguration of customer-specific topic tags
/v2/customize/editorial_tag/createCreating a new editorial tag
/v2/customize/editorial_tag/listList of all existing editorial tags
/v2/customize/editorial_tag/searchSearching for editorial tags by their name or ID
/v2/customize/editorial_tag/{gkbId}Get, update or delete a particular editorial tag
RecommenderEndpoints recommending relevant articles and photos for articles
/v2/photosSupported photo banks
/v2/photos/{dataset}/recommendRecommend photos for an article
/v2/photos/{dataset}/recommend/feedbackFeedback on a particular recommendation

The Media API V2 endpoints accept and return the following request and response objects:

EndpointTypeRequest200 Result
/v2/nlp/analyzePOSTNlpRequestAnalysis (same as G3 response)
/v2/knowledgebase/detailsPOSTGkbItemsInfoRequestMap[string, Details]
/v2/knowledgebase/infoboxesPOSTGkbItemsInfoRequestMap[string, LangValueInfoBox]
/v2/knowledgebase/stdformsPOSTGkbItemsStdFormRequestMap[string, LangValueString]
Editorial tags

Request Objects

Response Objects