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A named or unnamed entity mentioned in the article, either directly or indirectly.


idTruestringID of the entity used to refer to it from other objects
gkbIdFalsestringUnique identifier of this entity in Geneea knowledge-base
stdFormTruestringStandard form of the entity, abstracting from alternative names
typeTruestringEntity type (e.g., organization, location, person, product, event, general).
mentionsFalseList[Mention]Occurrences of the entity in the text, when appropriate
featsFalseMap[string, string]

Custom features, including:

  • derivedBy: relation that was used to derive (some of the) mentions of the entity (e.g., region for a city)

  • derivedOnly: true if the entity is not mentioned directly in the text

  • relevance: number between 0 and 100 expressing the relevance of the entity relative to the article text,

  • ranking: obsolete synonym for relevance

gkbPropertiesFalseList[GkbProperty]Geneea knowledge-base properties