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Recommendation response.


idTruestringUnique ID of the article from the photos recommendation request.
referenceKeyTruestringUnique ID of this recommendation.
photosIdsTrueList[string]Ids of the recommended photos.
altPhotoIdsFalseobjectIds of photo alternatives for the recommended photographs by their ID. This field is returned only if returnAltPhotos in the recommendation request is set to true.
photosFalseList[PhotoData]The PhotoData objects representing the recommended photographs. This field is returned only if returnObjects in the recommendation request is set to true. Please use the request's returnObjectFields to specify the PhotoData object fields that you really need. This will reduce the size of PhotoData objects returned here.
altPhotosFalseobjectThe PhotoData objects of photo alternatives for the recommended photographs by their ID. This field is returned only if both returnAltPhotos and returnObjects in the recommendation request are set to true.
tagsTrueList[PhotoTag]Tags associated with the recommended photos. These tags can be used for further refining of the recommendation results.
nextCursorFalsestringCursor for retrieving the next page. Available when pagination is enabled. For more details see cursor in the Request.