

The Media API V1 was deprecated; use the new version instead. It offers much-improved functionality, including photo and article suggestion, entity and tag translation, derived entities, and much more.

The current public version offers the following functionality:

  • Semantic tagging: Semantic tags are entities, keywords or concepts relevant for the article. We rank and standardize them based on their purpose. For a non-technical overview, see this page and this case study.

  • Integration: Typically our API is called from the publisher’s CMS. The journalists review the suggested tags. The API can be also used in a completely automated pipeline without any supervision.

  • Knowledge base: All the returned tags are linked to Geneea Knowledge Base (GKB, Geneea KB). The data are organized in buckets, each customer can use the generic bucket or a private bucket of their own. GKB combines existing open data (wikidata, DBpedia, OpenStreetMap) with our own private resources.

  • Customization: Typically, the Media models are thoroughly customized (number of tags, preference of certain types of tags, tag labels, creation of new tags, tags ids, …)

  • Feedback: The quality and preferences can be automatically tuned based on the feedback for the user.

  • Recommendation: The tagging system can be used together with the recommendation system by Recombee. See this page for a case study.